The air operated two columns RAM and press for grease and viscous fluids is an efficient and effective tool for handling high viscosity grease and medias. The 3 ways control valve allows for smooth lifting or pulling down of the pump and follower plate, reducing the effort required when exchanging a 400 lbs drum. This system is ideal for use with greases and products ranging from 200CPS to 500ASTM. The pressurized pneumatic cylinders push the follower plate down, ensuring that there are no interruptions in grease flow due to air pockets. Additionally, the design allows for maximum grease collection from the drum, assisting in pump suction. The aluminum follower plate with a rubber double ring is specifically designed for use with 400 lbs drums, providing a secure and efficient way to handle thick and viscous substances.
Typical Applications
- Automotive Dealerships
- Heavy- duty Dealerships
- Industrial Application
- Grease Transfer
- Mining
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